Thursday, June 14, 2007

Circle and 8th

So some of you may know about the band that I've been playing in for the last year and a half. We've kind of been in hibernation since before Christmas. We did some recording and then because of Lisa and I moving and having a baby etc... It's been a little slow on the band end of things. Anyways... I finally finished our CD and we're ready to come out of hibernation. Jon made a myspace page where you can preview some of the tunes: We are hoping that having our music recorded will open more venues for us to play and share our music in. So if you'd like to book us for anything let us know!! Enjoy the music (i hope!?).


Sabrina said...

Just had to say, I don't think you could have found a more attractive picture of Bettina. Nice work.


Jamie said...

Hi guys, I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I think Joel is adorable. I love his name too (especially the middle name - lol.) What a cute little family you have!

officehourthoughts said...

Hey Matt, love the new songs. If you guys decide to do a tour out to Manitoba we'll for sure work something out.

Leah said...

love it matt.