Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Milk and Popsicles?

While I was at work the other day 'mom' decided to feed my son his first taste of something that's not milk. What did Joel have.... a little bit of popsicle. ... And before I get everyone saying we're bad parents for exposing our child to such unhealthy junk... Popsicles are not a part of Joel's diet... FYI.


gord and janice said...

What a cute little popsicle face! Next is lemons, eh Lis?

Trev and Rebekah said...

Welcome to the blogging world. It's nice to see a picture of your little boy. I had heard you were expecting and that you had a son but it wasn't until I saw Janice last weekend that I heard the name. Congrats!

Juanita said...

Well, it's been a LONG time since I have seen you both. Congratulations! (I found your blog on Bettina's.) I heard you had a baby thru Tim's cousin Kristan who apparently shared a hospital room with you. Wow, small world!
Take care.
If you feel like checking up what we are up to go to

Juanita said...

Oh, by the way, he is super cute!

Erica said...

Hey guys.... those photos are CUTE. Hope that Mexico is going well... along with the cuteness of your little boy - I am wondering what your mailing address is... we're working on sending out invites to the rocking Bethany reunion... or Tim and I's wedding as some might call it; so if you read this message sometime; send me an email: ! Take care you guys...!